Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: alwaystrying on December 20, 2011, 12:46 am

Title: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: alwaystrying on December 20, 2011, 12:46 am
so, for all you couples out there. Here's the deal.

I am a healthy guy, University graduate- like to think of myself as smart enough. I am a tall, Caucasian, naturally healthy, intelligent, physically fit male. Brown hair, hazel eyes- a looker if i don't say so myself. with no hereditary diseases or mental issues.

So the deal is, any couples out there who want a child and have issues with fertility. Im selling sperm. i shit you not.

no tattoos, been tested and have no STD's or the like.

This seems like a joke, and is kind of tounge and cheek, but its a genuine offer.

for £250 you get 3 pops. instantly frozen and sent with special delivery. I'll even through in a syringe/ or baster (whatever you prefer)

contact me for details.
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: Drugsrbad on December 20, 2011, 12:54 am
What a deal I've been waiting for some sperm for a long time.
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: zerg on December 20, 2011, 12:59 am
Wow I just found my new dream job...

If you need any extra I'll wholesale it to you for half your asking price, all you need to do is distribute ;)

If only life were this easy... xD
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: alwaystrying on December 20, 2011, 01:05 am
haha, well the deals simple.

a couple with issues conceiving have to go through A LOT and pay A LOT to get a bit of sperm. right?

i don't agree with that. fuck the man, fuck having to wait, and fuck your boyfriends/husband/you're low sperm count.

so; i offer a once of payment of £250 in Ukash. and i will provide them with enough sperm for a family of 6. overnight shipping.

@zerg; appreciate the offer, but as a company im just starting up. only time will tell if ill need employees  :)
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: quinone on December 20, 2011, 01:29 am
Not a single person is going to buy your sperm lol, it cost a lot of money for a reason.

They do lengthy and time consuming RFLP and other primer annealing test's on a donor's sperm's DNA to ensure there are no lets say recessive gene's that could be VERY problematic.  You can go on SUBJECTIVELY describing you want, but saying  "I am a tall, Caucasian, naturally healthy, intelligent, physically fit male. Brown hair, hazel eyes- a looker if i don't say so myself" but WHAT THE FUCK does that have to do with your sperm and it's DNA?

You said at the end "with no hereditary diseases or mental issues", so you've had a DNA panel done to test for all known recessive/hereditary conditions?  That's an EXPENSIVE test, and you're saying you've done it, wow.  As to the mental issues, well i'll let the attempt at vending ones own sperm on SR speak for that one.

A lot of the time it's not the MAN's fault (and if it is it's not necessarily because of 'low sperm count').

"I don't agree with that. fuck the man, fuck having to wait, and fuck your boyfriends/husband/you're low sperm count"

I don't agree with you, fuck the woman is what you're after (well if you wish to conceive), waiting=quality, and fuck your disgusting view that conception issues are always the man's fault and always due to low sperm count ... MASS MEDIA FTW (I thought you said you were intelligent).

Fuck I (and every other man out there) would be rich as fuck if I could sell my sperm for $400 for 3 shots, fuck i'd be making over 2k a day EASY !

Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: Dopeboy on December 20, 2011, 01:52 am
10 bitcoins and airfare and I'll drop a load in anyone's wife/girlfriend. (Additional charges may apply if heavy lifting is required).
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: Variety Jones on December 20, 2011, 02:03 am

This is the first time in decades, hell the only time ever, that I now regret getting a vasectomy.


Do you suppose they'll have to raise escrow to nine months now?

no tattoos

Well, that's real important. No one wants a baby with tattoo's.
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: alwaystrying on December 20, 2011, 02:05 am
quinone, you sound butthurt. just for you, ill knock you one out half price. just to get the ball rolling.

I addressed the possible recessive gene issue- you're right, the tests to find out about these problems are expensive; yet you critique my relatively costly price?

if its not the mans fault, then my offering sperm wont help them conceive. i am appealing to a niche market in which is IS due to the males inability to conceive. due to there ineffective sperm. don't let it upset you mate.

also, listing physical and mental attributes has huge amounts to do with DNA, are you serious? yeah, we can get into the nature/nurture argument; but its the two. and what I am offering is one part of the puzzle.

haha, dopeboy stops trying to threadjack, its about quality, not quantity. remember that guys  ;)
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: quinone on December 20, 2011, 02:47 am
quinone, you sound butthurt. just for you, ill knock you one out half price. just to get the ball rolling.

I addressed the possible recessive gene issue- you're right, the tests to find out about these problems are expensive; yet you critique my relatively costly price?

if its not the mans fault, then my offering sperm wont help them conceive. i am appealing to a niche market in which is IS due to the males inability to conceive. due to there ineffective sperm. don't let it upset you mate.

also, listing physical and mental attributes has huge amounts to do with DNA, are you serious? yeah, we can get into the nature/nurture argument; but its the two. and what I am offering is one part of the puzzle.

haha, dopeboy stops trying to threadjack, its about quality, not quantity. remember that guys  ;)

Actually I don't think you're intelligent at all now after reading that reply.

Here's what I said: "You can go on SUBJECTIVELY describing you want, but saying  "I am a tall, Caucasian, naturally healthy, intelligent, physically fit male. Brown hair, hazel eyes- a looker if i don't say so myself" but WHAT THE FUCK does that have to do with your sperm and it's DNA?"

Did you see the 5th word, which is CAPITALIZED when I said SUBJECTIVELY.  You can tell me all day you're intelligent mentally fit, and dashing like that asshole on the old spice commercials, but it's SUBJECTIVE.  You even said so yourself when you said 'we can get into the nature/nurture argument'. 

You can provide no OBJECTIVE evidence that the baby your sperm will produce will be any less or more awesome as you think you are.  HALF of your baby will come from the mom so who knows, she might be a raging crackwhore retard.  The resulting offspring could be some brilliant rain man like savant, or a raging thalidomide like mutant.

That's why there are expensive screening tests involved in this shit, the only possible way we can even come close to making an objective assessment of the sperm donor is through expensive mental acuity tests, MBTI, personal professional diagnosis by a psychiatrist, etc.  You're a fool.
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: alwaystrying on December 20, 2011, 03:19 am
what crawled up your ass and died?

i never suggested my awesome sperm would create a brilliant baby? i just alluded to its quality.

but seriously, take a xanax, get that pole out of your ass and leave my thread to people who want to pay for my sperm.

50 pound says the love of this guys life left him cause his nuts dried up. :D
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: redforeva on December 20, 2011, 03:23 am
I need a liter asap   ;)
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: alwaystrying on December 20, 2011, 04:09 am
haha, touche! were talking big bucks there. give me a few weeks!

this has got to be the first sales thread with nobody looking for samples?!

lets start a bit slower before we get to bulk buying.
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: SlimScott on December 20, 2011, 05:46 am
I'm sensing a possible genetic predisposition to avoid capital letters. Ladies, do not expect to raise an orthographer using this man's DNA.
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: quinone on December 20, 2011, 06:40 am
what crawled up your ass and died?

i never suggested my awesome sperm would create a brilliant baby? i just alluded to its quality.

but seriously, take a xanax, get that pole out of your ass and leave my thread to people who want to pay for my sperm.

50 pound says the love of this guys life left him cause his nuts dried up. :D

You put forth a seething alpha male attitude, and men who act that way piss me right off.  You're not 'a looker' if you do say so yourself.  You're just like the rest of us, we all have our hang-ups and we all have the things we have pride in.  Acting like your somehow better, or even by the very nature of this retarded thread that you have the audacity to try and sell your own sperm as if it had value is immature and rude to others.

I just blew a load on a sheet of paper about an hour ago cuz I was horny and wanted to masturbate, does it have any value?  No, of course not, I am sensible and realize that these 'expensive programs' you refer to exist for a reason.  Granted many of them WAY overcharge for their services, but if you do research and pick the right one you will have much more success conceiving a healthy child then buying a complete stranger's jizz off of a primarily underground/illegal marketplace!

If you want to go there with the relationship I gladly will, even though it's an ultra embarrassment to myself.  I've never had a girlfriend in my life, and have had sex only twice, I am in my 30's ... and more or less the 40 year old virgin.  Lonely as fuck, require therapy and meds and shit, don't want no one's sympathy, but don't try to make some facetious comment about what can be (and clearly is to me) a serious issue to some people.  If you give a fuck i'm very fertile, so that part was irrelevant.

Why do I keep bumping up this thread with these somewhat 'serious', yet completely hilarious replies?  O yeah, this is funny as shit, selling sperm on SR !
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: cache on December 20, 2011, 07:59 am
Is it ok to IV this stuff or would I be better off chasing it?
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: anton on December 20, 2011, 12:20 pm
BuKaKai !!! how much can you produce. we have 15 girls that need a cum shower!
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: cache on December 20, 2011, 12:28 pm
Or can you recrystallize it and snort it?
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: PriscillaMarie90 on December 20, 2011, 04:06 pm
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: LesbianRobot on December 20, 2011, 04:35 pm
haha @ this thread
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: Blaatz0r on December 20, 2011, 05:18 pm
I offer it for free for any girl who wants it =) Only thing is: you have to collect it your self as i dont ship sperm.
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: mambosun on December 20, 2011, 06:42 pm
You put forth a seething alpha male attitude, and men who act that way piss me right off.  You're not 'a looker' if you do say so yourself.  You're just like the rest of us, we all have our hang-ups and we all have the things we have pride in.  Acting like your somehow better, or even by the very nature of this retarded thread that you have the audacity to try and sell your own sperm as if it had value is immature and rude to others.

I just blew a load on a sheet of paper about an hour ago cuz I was horny and wanted to masturbate, does it have any value?  No, of course not, I am sensible and realize that these 'expensive programs' you refer to exist for a reason.  Granted many of them WAY overcharge for their services, but if you do research and pick the right one you will have much more success conceiving a healthy child then buying a complete stranger's jizz off of a primarily underground/illegal marketplace!

If you want to go there with the relationship I gladly will, even though it's an ultra embarrassment to myself.  I've never had a girlfriend in my life, and have had sex only twice, I am in my 30's ... and more or less the 40 year old virgin.  Lonely as fuck, require therapy and meds and shit, don't want no one's sympathy, but don't try to make some facetious comment about what can be (and clearly is to me) a serious issue to some people.  If you give a fuck i'm very fertile, so that part was irrelevant.

Why do I keep bumping up this thread with these somewhat 'serious', yet completely hilarious replies?  O yeah, this is funny as shit, selling sperm on SR !

I just cringed harder than I probably ever have in my entire life.
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: MR. CranE on December 20, 2011, 07:22 pm
what crawled up your ass and died?

i never suggested my awesome sperm would create a brilliant baby? i just alluded to its quality.

but seriously, take a xanax, get that pole out of your ass and leave my thread to people who want to pay for my sperm.

50 pound says the love of this guys life left him cause his nuts dried up. :D

You put forth a seething alpha male attitude, and men who act that way piss me right off.  You're not 'a looker' if you do say so yourself.  You're just like the rest of us, we all have our hang-ups and we all have the things we have pride in.  Acting like your somehow better, or even by the very nature of this retarded thread that you have the audacity to try and sell your own sperm as if it had value is immature and rude to others.

I just blew a load on a sheet of paper about an hour ago cuz I was horny and wanted to masturbate, does it have any value?  No, of course not, I am sensible and realize that these 'expensive programs' you refer to exist for a reason.  Granted many of them WAY overcharge for their services, but if you do research and pick the right one you will have much more success conceiving a healthy child then buying a complete stranger's jizz off of a primarily underground/illegal marketplace!

If you want to go there with the relationship I gladly will, even though it's an ultra embarrassment to myself.  I've never had a girlfriend in my life, and have had sex only twice, I am in my 30's ... and more or less the 40 year old virgin.  Lonely as fuck, require therapy and meds and shit, don't want no one's sympathy, but don't try to make some facetious comment about what can be (and clearly is to me) a serious issue to some people.  If you give a fuck i'm very fertile, so that part was irrelevant.

Why do I keep bumping up this thread with these somewhat 'serious', yet completely hilarious replies?  O yeah, this is funny as shit, selling sperm on SR !

@Quinone... I guessed you were probably a 40 year old virgin with your first sentence: "You put forth a seething alpha male attitude, and men who act that way piss me right off." Then, just a couple sentences later, I knew: "I just blew a load on a sheet of paper about an hour ago cuz I was horny and wanted to masturbate, does it have any value?" Now, not to say we all dont enjoy a nice rub out once in a while, but it is that "seething alpha-male attitude" you speak of that is gonna take the cake for you. Its what ladies like. Why the fuck you think the Alpha-Male runs the pride and has all the females hunting for him. That's nature, the alpha-male wins. Unless youre Hyenas, haha. Im not trying to rag on you at all, just give you a bit of advice. Give up the "were all the same & need to be treated & loved equally by everyone no matter who we are" attitude. Yes, it is essentially true, but unless everyone or at least a large amount of people begin approaching every aspect of their lives in that way it will never work. Stay open minded to the possibility, but dont approach your entire life that way. Most people are assholes, that is the truth. So, go to the world & show them that you are the SHIT. A product of all these assholes. Though, where most that take this approach make the mistake is here: Dont hate on the next man for also believing that he is the SHIT. The great thing is, we can all be the SHIT at the same time. So, my friend, you are the best this world as to offer indefinitely, know that fact & it will be true. Perception is everything: "To a worm, digging a hole in the ground all day is more relaxing than fishing." Check out this book sir, it may help you get some pussy "Assholeology: The Science Behind Getting Your Way - and Getting Away with it" if not its a good read anyways...

As for AlwaysTrying, his name truly collaborates. This is quite an elaborate sham here. Haha... But thumbs up sir, if some dumb tweeker cunt can convince her man that they need to order some sperm off of you in order to create their crack baby then  kudos to you sir. Money is only a number made by humans to represent the amount of energy placed into productive activities. Sperm is, essentially, one of the MOST productive compounds we know of... The only activities, in my belief, that are not productive are those that conflict with the 10 Commandments. Whether you are religious or not those are the only true laws that are not based on someones personal gain. So, that being said, as long as you are not thinking about any women you are not married to while you rub out the loads you are selling then the offspring produced will be wholly righteous indeed, because that is considered adultery. Keep on Trying friend. Never give up.

Fuck the World... Now that's Adultery :)

-MR. CranE-
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: b4b33 on December 20, 2011, 11:09 pm
Everything Mr. CranE said in 4 short words:

BE the Honey Badger:

(Thanks 40opana for the link)
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: quinone on December 21, 2011, 07:29 am
Mr.Crane, the women who 'hunt' for alpha males are inevitably the biggest bitches too, I don't want that shit in my life, and if I have to wait until i'm 50 to meet a woman who I .. enjoy being around and is not a dumb and/or manipulative bitch, then so be it.

I don't just want pussy.  If I did so badly i'd hire an escort.  I'm lonely and shit but i'd rather that then have to tolerate a half-ass and pointless relationship.

If my use of big words is offensive to our current social climate (as you eluded to right away), then, FUCK IT!  I'll say what I want, how I want.  If 'talking smart' somehow lowers my place in our social hierarchy' then it's simply a sign that jealousy runs rampant, but so does pride. 

Besides, fuck society and what it thinks, our culture is to delude ourselves that other people are better because of ridiculous social standards that exist (eg. celebrities, they are normal people, they are not special) while also knowingly allowing ourselves to be wrapped in layer upon layer of media induced fearmongering, turning us more and more mindless by the day.

It's people like you, and sociopath's like mambo (who can't take and read text seriously) that degrade our way of life, and should we survive our own demise (should we/you with the ego initiate it), it will be the few intelligent people left who will rebuild everything that you know, while feeding on your worthless flesh !
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: zerg on December 21, 2011, 08:08 am
I think both quinone and MR. CranE have good points.

The way i see it is that all/most women act bitchy to strangers that walk up to them as a social shield and then a percentage of those just always act that way. Girls get hit on multiple times a day, you can't expect them to invest their time and energy into every random guy.

The point I'm trying to make is even if a girl is not "a dumb and/or manipulative bitch" you still have to play the game of demonstrating your social value while lowering hers in order to win her over.

She has to believe that you are of value to her in order for her to pursue you.

That's why even if you are the coolest, most intelligent and kind guy in the world you will still not get a girl if you can't DEMONSTRATE it.

Truth is that the process of seduction has a lot to do with manipulation, and even though there is a big difference between peoples end games (ie one night stand with "a dumb and/or manipulative bitch" vs loving relationship with a really cool girl), the process stays pretty much the same.

Sorry if that was not articulate enough... I'm very tired. :)
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: quinone on December 21, 2011, 08:42 am
I think both quinone and MR. CranE have good points.

The way i see it is that all/most women act bitchy to strangers that walk up to them as a social shield and then a percentage of those just always act that way. Girls get hit on multiple times a day, you can't expect them to invest their time and energy into every random guy.

The point I'm trying to make is even if a girl is not "a dumb and/or manipulative bitch" you still have to play the game of demonstrating your social value while lowering hers in order to win her over.

She has to believe that you are of value to her in order for her to pursue you.

That's why even if you are the coolest, most intelligent and kind guy in the world you will still not get a girl if you can't DEMONSTRATE it.

Truth is that the process of seduction has a lot to do with manipulation, and even though there is a big difference between peoples end games (ie one night stand with "a dumb and/or manipulative bitch" vs loving relationship with a really cool girl), the process stays pretty much the same.

Sorry if that was not articulate enough... I'm very tired. :)

My social value = 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 :)
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: moonbear on December 21, 2011, 09:36 am
Only 5$ for a gram bag of cum. Comes with a turkey baster in the month of december
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: oppyate on December 22, 2011, 05:07 pm
alwaystrying, you are a Day Late & Dollar short on your Idea. Larghetto already has Kits he's Selling that he has persoanlly Tested. Somewhat Sanitary and never requires use of your Hands. He provides a Dixie Cup, slug of Mouthwash and Petrie Dish you can spit into.
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: lmfao on December 22, 2011, 09:12 pm
I am a healthy guy, University graduate- like to think of myself as smart enough. I am a tall, Caucasian, naturally healthy, intelligent, physically fit male. Brown hair, hazel eyes- a looker if i don't say so myself. with no hereditary diseases or mental issues.

In before someone has a retarded black baby with blonde hair and blue eyes that doesn't finish high school and has various physical ailments including hereditary diseases from the father's side of health history
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: Gall Anonim on December 22, 2011, 10:44 pm
I will require a free sample first, oh and make sure you drink a lot of pineapple juice before delivering the full load.

Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: oppyate on December 22, 2011, 11:38 pm
Gall...I really do have to ask. If you drink Pineapple Juice, say for 2 days? Is like getting a Pina Cloda Cream Load or what?? Also, since you are offering as potential Buyer, I'd be willing to Vend if your near Canadian Border as well as start chugging down The Juice
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: Leech on December 23, 2011, 12:54 am
Do you need a freeze for the sperms? Won't they die in non-vacuum and air temperature environment? You will need special insulated packaging, right?
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: rowdyrasta on December 23, 2011, 04:46 am

This is the first time in decades, hell the only time ever, that I now regret getting a vasectomy.


Do you suppose they'll have to raise escrow to nine months now?

no tattoos

Well, that's real important. No one wants a baby with tattoo's.
bahahahahahaha oh fuck i can be pissed one minute and i can always find something that will completly make me laugh my fucking ass off fuck im still laughing. thanks variety jones. and everyone elses posts they keep me smiling
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: SuperDimitri on December 24, 2011, 04:20 am
I think it's funny the 10 Commandments made its way into this thread!! LOL. How come it doesn't include "Thou shalt not rape"???? Or "thou shalt not molest little boys" So, let's being up the Mortal Sins, then. A Mortal Sin is one which guarantees your passage into hell, and the devil your soul. So, here you are, at SR, so, you're probably a mortal sinner. Greed, Lust, Pride, & Sloth dominate our lives. Lust & Pride go with my seething alpha male bad attitude. Most vendors are greedy, hence the exorbitant prices to a worldwide market. If they truly wanted to spread the happiness, it'd be closer to free, than overpriced, right? And sloth is the result of many of our habits.
We're all going to hell....
...that is...
if you believe that kind of thing.
Not trying to get into a religious argument here, just posting some things I don't think people think about often.

As for alwaystrying, gfl.
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: oppyate on December 24, 2011, 12:02 pm
The way i see it is that all/most women act bitchy to strangers that walk up to them as a social shield and then a percentage of those just always act that way. Girls get hit on multiple times a day, you can't expect them to invest their time and energy into every random guy.

The point I'm trying to make is even if a girl is not "a dumb and/or manipulative bitch" you still have to play the game of demonstrating your social value while lowering hers in order to win her over.

She has to believe that you are of value to her in order for her to pursue you.

That's why even if you are the coolest, most intelligent and kind guy in the world you will still not get a girl if you can't DEMONSTRATE it.

Truth is that the process of seduction has a lot to do with manipulation, and even though there is a big difference between peoples end games (ie one night stand with "a dumb and/or manipulative bitch" vs loving relationship with a really cool girl), the process stays pretty much the same.

Sorry if that was not articulate enough... I'm very tired. :)

OMG zerg!
A moment in Time will come to you where after slamming your forehead raw on brick walls, you will come to surrendering to advice my Grandfather gave me years ago and it works! 2 things. Buy them lots of Candy, Lie to them.
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: alwaystrying on January 03, 2012, 03:17 am
i forgot i made this post. I have honestly just cried laughing. those posts were worth more than my sperm will ever be in monetary value!
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: Lights Out on January 03, 2012, 03:29 am
I am a new member to Silk Road.  A big part of joining Silk Road is because I wanted to be free to purchase sperm online from strangers if I ever felt so inclined. Then I came across your post, I was thrilled to say the least. And at just 250 EU I am thrilled! I would of gladly paid double that. I did wonder how much it would cost for a bulk order?
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: flavourful on January 03, 2012, 04:00 am
I think you need to make a sellers account and take pictures before anyone considers your offer.
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: alwaystrying on January 03, 2012, 04:26 am
did mama never tell you, its quality, not quantity.

one bust and millions of heroic, powerful mini-me's will be swiming amongst my semen like sharks in the sea.

1 purchase is essentialy bulk. i surmise just 1 purchase could provide you up to 10 children!

250 euro seems more than fair for both parties. im not greedy!

currently doing buy one, get one free. half price for you virgins as well. just because im a giving kind of guy!
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: SuperDimitri on January 03, 2012, 05:15 am
More than millions. 6 billion, I think. Is it mass genocide if it ends up in the toilet??
glad to see you're back, I sent you a PM, still down? Let me know.
And for those reading, yes, I am buying sperm.
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: mito on January 03, 2012, 07:21 pm
Or can you recrystallize it and snort it?

Why not parachute it?

Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: rise_against on January 04, 2012, 01:34 am
fucker scammed me.  i bought a syringe of his sperm, now 9 months later i have a retarded, crack baby on my hands.
Title: Re: At home insemination (sperm for sale)
Post by: SRTRAVLER on January 04, 2012, 12:24 pm
Or can you recrystallize it and snort it?

Why not parachute it?


You know, rectal insertion is possible as well...

But i hear IVing it is the best way to get the most out of it.